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Gift vouchers now available

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About guilt training courses for therapists

Most of us – although not necessarily all of us – experience feelings of guilt from time to time. “Feeling guilty” can be defined as a feeling of worry or unhappiness, due to a perception that we have done something wrong, for example, causing harm to another person.

Guilt is a natural emotional response over a past action, and it is not necessarily unhealthy, in and of itself. Indeed, feeling guilty occasionally due to a certain behaviour of ours can remind us that we have a moral compass.

When the feeling of guilt is appropriate, it may help us to regulate our social behaviour. While guilt is self-focused, it is also a highly socially relevant feeling, as it may be what encourages us to repair strained relationships, or to avoid acts that could imperil those relationships.

However, feelings of guilt are not always appropriate and healthy for everyone. Some people may suffer from excessive and irrational feelings of guilt, perhaps assuming responsibility for a situation that they were not responsible for, or overestimating the degree to which someone else may have suffered as a consequence of their actions.

Unfortunately, certain individuals do appear to be particularly prone to feelings of guilt and shame, and in more severe cases, it is possible for excessive guilt to spiral out of control.

Why choose nscience?

At nscience, we are committed to putting together a highly relevant range of training programmes for mental health practitioners whose work may bring them into contact with sufferers of excessive and irrational guilt.

There are many facets of this important field to consider, but we work hard to ensure our online and offline courses and events are informed by the latest research, and provide actionable insights for both prospective and current psychotherapists. These continued professional development (CPD/CE) programmes are also delivered by globally renowned experts.

We presently make available video courses and webinars that enlighten attendees on some of the most crucial aspects of best practice for today’s therapists whose clients are seeking treatment for unhealthy feelings of guilt. At the time of typing, our latest training routes cover such areas of specialism as the below:

  • Guilt’s manifestations, meanings and clinical challenges
  • How therapists can help clients to sustainably ‘bounce back’ from difficult situations in their lives, including excessive and lingering guilt
  • Working effectively with survivors of childhood sexual abuse
  • Assisting clients suffering from the pain of loss, including a heightened propensity for guilt

Studying how clients’ unhealthy feelings of guilt can be treated and managed is a course of action likely to benefit psychotherapists and counsellors working across multiple disciplines and modalities.

To ensure that you are more informed and devise the most effective possible treatment approaches for such clients, please feel free to browse and take advantage of any of our training programmes in this category, whether you are a current or aspiring mental health professional.

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