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Attachment and Relational Neuroscience informed Therapeutic Conversations: Video Course

Attachment and Relational Neuroscience informed Therapeutic Conversations: Video Course

Recent developments in attachment theory and relational neuroscience suggest a move from fixed intrapsychic representations to dynamic interactional models that acknowledge the social aspect of our brains. At this practical and intellectually stimulating seminar, Professor Jeremy Holmes starts with the premise that the essence of therapy is dialogue – evaluating how such attachment-informed, relational models can influence the effectiveness of our therapeutic conversations.

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£ 65.00


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Course Credits

CPD: 3 / CE: 3


Professor Jeremy Holmes

Course length in hours


Full course information

Professor Jeremy Holmes first looks at the science, and then the art, of therapeutic conversation. Explaining the concept of care-giver-infant protoconversations, he specifically considers:

  • Attachment and the Relational Brain – what we know from research on client-therapist interactions
  • Affect regulation, sensitivity and mentalising and their respective roles in psychotherapeutic practice
  • Using attachment ideas to foster resilience and tailor interventions to the degree of client disturbance
  • The emergence of complex and nuanced narratives over the course of therapy
  • Attachment as hidden regulator and Attachment across the life cycle: mature dependency
  • Defensive exclusion and avoidance of negative affect in insecure attachment
  • Neuroplasticity and its relevance to therapy – how therapy may precipitate change

Throughout the seminar, Professor Holmes uses case examples (including those brought in by delegates), illustrating the practical implications of these theoretical discussions.

© nscience 2020 / 21

What's included in this course

What you’ll learn

Professor Jeremy Holmes first looks at the science, and then the art, of therapeutic conversation. Explaining the concept of care-giver-infant protoconversations, he specifically considers attachment and the Relational Brain – what we know from research on client-therapist interactions as well as affect regulation, sensitivity and mentalising and their respective roles in psychotherapeutic practice.

Learning objectives

  • Use attachment ideas to foster resilience and tailor interventions to the degree of client disturbance
  • Discuss attachment as hidden regulator and Attachment across the life cycle: mature dependency

About the speaker(s)

Professor Jeremy Holmes MD FRCPsych BPC is a psychiatrist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist. For 35 years he worked as Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in the NHS, focussing especially on people with Borderline Personality Disorder.  He was Chair of the Psychotherapy Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 1998-2002.  Now partially retired, he teaches on the Masters and Doctoral psychoanalytic psychotherapy training and research programme at Exeter University, where he is visiting Professor; and lectures nationally and internationally. He has written more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and chapters in the field of Attachment and Psychoanalytic psychotherapy.  His many books, translated into 7 languages, include The Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy (co-editors Glen Gabbard and Judy Beck, 2005), Storr’s The Art of Psychotherapy (Taylor & Francis 2012; ‘highly commended’, bma medical books of the year) and Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Routledge 2010; winner Canadian Psychological Association Goethe Award).  A 6-volume compendium of the most important papers in Attachment (Benchmarks in Psychology: Attachment Theory, SAGE), co-edited with Arietta Slade, and the second edition of his classic John Bowlby and Attachment Theory (Routledge). His most recent publications include The Therapeutic Imagination: Using Literature to Deepen Psychodynamic Understanding and Enhance Empathy, and Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis (both Routledge).  He was recipient of the 2009 New York Attachment Consortium Bowlby-Ainsworth Founders Award.

nscience UK is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. nscience UK maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

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