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A guide on how to understand borderline personality disorder

Over the last few years, mental health has become a topic that is well-accepted within different households. You need to look after your mental health just as much as you look after your physical health. That means if you have been diagnosed with a disorder, you should seek out help from a mental health specialist.

So, let’s start off with finding out more about borderline personality disorder (BPD). BPD is an extremely misunderstood mental health condition. This is why it is crucial that you learn more about it if you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed.

What is borderline personality disorder?

When you take a BPD online course, you will learn that BPD is a mood disorder that affects how the person interacts with others. This will ultimately affect how they think, feel, perceive and relate to other people.

Having BPD has been described as a person metaphorically having third-degree burns all over their skin that can make them feel extreme emotions and pain about very small issues. The lack of “emotional skin” can make it difficult for those with BPD to regulate their emotions and reactions to other people. This can make it very common for those with BPD to have a very negative self-image, thus they will find it difficult to function.

Those with BPD may struggle to find meaningful relationships, namely because any prospect of separation or rejection can lead to suicidal idealisation, self-harm and extremely self-destructive behaviours. Sometimes, people with BPD may feel as if they do not exist to anyone at all. 

What are the symptoms of BPD?

There are many symptoms that are indicative of BPD. These include:

  • You are extremely worried that people will end up abandoning you
  • Your emotions can change quickly and can feel extremely intense
  • You feel unsure about who you are as a person
  • You cannot maintain stable relationships
  • You feel empty inside
  • You indulge in harmful behaviours (e.g., binge eating, drug use, drinking, dangerous driving)
  • You find it difficult to control your anger and tend to have explosions of rage
  • You tend to disassociate
  • You experience paranoia
  • You self-harm to feel better or experience suicidal feelings regularly

Usually, BPD is a disorder that develops from trauma from childhood or previous experiences in life. From this trauma, unhealthy coping mechanisms are created by the person to deal with their experiences.

How can people understand BPD better?

Honestly, BPD is a difficult condition that can leave people feeling isolated and misunderstood. Most people with BPD understand their condition can make them emotionally erratic and insecure. They also appreciate that their mental health does not excuse their behaviour. However, they do want people to understand them and make connections with them.

It is important to acknowledge why people with BPD act the way they do. Try not to hold it against them when an outburst does occur.

If you want to help someone with BPD, encourage them to seek treatment as soon as possible. You can also encourage self-care, such as healthy eating habits, mindfulness and a strong sleep pattern.

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